بازدید 37577

IRGC commander reacts to Netanyahu’s recent threats regarding Syria

After frequently violating Syrian’s sovereignty over the past several years to target the alleged “Iranian positions” in the Arab country, Israeli prime minister openly warns Iran to exit the Syrian territory. Responding to the Israeli threats, IRGC chief commander vows to protect Iran’s interests in Syria.
کد خبر: ۸۷۰۴۸۶
تاریخ انتشار: ۲۶ دی ۱۳۹۷ - ۲۲:۴۵ 16 January 2019

Tabnak – After frequently violating Syrian’s sovereignty over the past several years to target the alleged “Iranian positions” in the Arab country, Israeli prime minister openly warns Iran to exit the Syrian territory. Responding to the Israeli threats, IRGC chief commander vows to protect Iran’s interests in Syria.

Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps derided the Israeli prime minister’s warning to Iran to pull out of Syria, cautioning the Zionist regime not to play with the lion’s tail and reminding Israelis about Iran’s “roaring missile with pinpoint accuracy.”

In comments on Wednesday, Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari decried as ridiculous and hilarious Benjamin Netanyahu’s threats, reaffirming Iran’s commitment to maintaining what it has deployed to Syria.

Netanyahu warned on Tuesday that the Israeli regime would press ahead with its campaign against Iranian entrenchment in Syria, saying, “I advise them to get out of there quickly because we will continue our offensive policy as we promised and as we do without fear and without pause.”

In response, Major General Jafari underlined, “We will maintain all the military and revolutionary advisers as well as the equipment and weapons, which we have for training and empowering the Islamic resistance’s warriors and for supporting the oppressed people of Syria, in that Islamic nation.”

He also said what Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi meant by recently saying that “Iran has no military forces in Syria” was that Iran has no military units there.

“You (Israeli officials) know very well that the Iranian military units are so mighty and impressive that if you witnessed even one of them in Syria, you would be horrified and give up the ghost,” the top commander stressed.

Major General Jafari said Iran would not even care about Israel’s “ridiculous” threats, underlining that there is a reason behind Iran’s patience with the Zionist regime’s certain desperate measures.

He reminded Israel that it will realize the reason behind Iran’s revolutionary patience in the not-too-distant future, adding, “Just be noted that you are playing with the lion’s tail. Be scared of the day that Iran’s roaring missiles with pinpoint accuracy rain on you in revenge for the blood of the region’s oppressed Muslims shed unjustifiably.”

Israel views the Islamic Republic’s advisors in Syria as a threat and has openly pledged to target them out until they leave the country. The Israeli air force has staged repeated air raids against Syrian military bases that it claims are used by Iranian military advisors.

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