بازدید 51994

Iran’s response should be ‘bitter’ enough to prevent further attacks: lawmakers

Members of the Iranian Parliament pointed to the importance of giving a decisive response to the United States over its assassination of General Soleimani.
کد خبر: ۹۴۹۸۳۴
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۷ دی ۱۳۹۸ - ۱۵:۲۴ 07 January 2020

Members of the Iranian Parliament pointed to the importance of giving a decisive response to the United States over its assassination of General Soleimani.

Parliamentarians penned a letter on Tuesday to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei to express support and need to take Gen. Soleimani’s revenge against the United States.

“Without a doubt, the foolish measure of the US administration in assassinating Lt. Gen. Soleimani, who was a national hero and ‘general of the hearts’, is a major historical turning point in the front against the Arrogance led by America,” MPs said.

Washington’s act of terror is aimed at weakening the Resistance Axis, boosting US’ presence in the region, and humiliating the Islamic Republic, reads the letter, adding, “so we have no doubt that the level of the Islamic Republic’s response to this terrorist act of the criminal US administration will determine the long-term balance in the region and in the world.”

The MPs highlighted that the promised ‘harsh revenge’ should be ‘bitter’ enough for the enemies to prevent them from any other aggression against soldiers of this nation.

“If this harsh revenge is proportionate, direct, and military and is taken promptly, America’s factious grandeur will be destroyed and US officials will truly understand that the era of hitting and running is over.”

“Furthermore, it is necessary to concentrate on the issue of American military forces’ withdrawal from the West Asian region so that this aim will be achieved with the help of the Resistance Axis.”

“There is no doubt that refraining from giving a decisive response to America will give them the message of Iran’s weakness and accordingly, lead the enemy’s calculation towards further pressure,” adds the letter.

Members of the Parliament expressed their support for the Islamic Revolution Leader in countering the United States and said they will put all effort to carry out their duty regarding the Leader’s decisions.

The Iranian Parliament modified an anti-US law on Tuesday and designated all members of Pentagon, commanders, agents and those responsible for the martyrdom of Gen Soleimani as terrorist forces.

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