بازدید 11656

In his Moscow visit, Zarif gains Moscow’s firm support for the nuclear deal

In the second destination of his diplomatic tour aimed at saving the nuclear deal, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif is in Moscow today to discuss the issue with the Russian officials. According to Zarif, Russia’s position on the nuclear deal in encouraging and constructive.
کد خبر: ۷۹۹۱۴۸
تاریخ انتشار: ۲۴ ارديبهشت ۱۳۹۷ - ۱۷:۰۹ 14 May 2018

Tabnak – In the second destination of his diplomatic tour aimed at saving the nuclear deal, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif is in Moscow today to discuss the issue with the Russian officials. According to Zarif, Russia’s position on the nuclear deal in encouraging and constructive.

In this vein, Iranian top diplomat described his recent meetings with his Chinese and Russian counterparts as “good and substantive”, saying that he is now heading to Brussels to determine how “P4+1” can guarantee Iran’s benefits under the JCPOA.

Also according to a report by IRNA, Zarif said on Monday that Moscow's position regarding the 2015 nuclear deal is encouraging. “I hope that today I will be able to hold consultations with you on details of cooperation within the 4+1 Group,” Zarif said at a meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov.

“Unfortunately, the protest against international rules and laws has become a habitual practice for the US administration,” he added.

Zarif underlined that the nuclear deal, officially known as Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) corresponds to the balance of commitments between the Iranian side and Europe and, in particular, the United States, and of course this balance has been undermined after the US withdrawal.

Iranian Foreign Minister also says Russia has confirmed its preparedness to respect the nuclear agreement. Russian media further cited Zarif as saying that Tehran and Moscow would do their utmost to keep the Iran deal in place.

Zarif later told a joint news conference with Lavrov that “the final aim of these negotiations is to seek assurances that the interests of the Iranian nation will be safeguarded.”

Meanwhile, Lavrov said that Russia and Europe had a duty to “jointly defend their legal interests” in terms of the Iran deal.

“Unfortunately once again we see that Washington is trying to revise key international agreements as it happens to Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, as it happens to Jerusalem (al-Quds) problem and a number of other agreements,” the top Russian diplomat said.

“Today we hope to see how we can use the available mechanisms not to allow the undermining of this important document with the participation of European Troika, China, Russia, Iran and European Union,” he stressed.

Lavrov also voiced support for Iran’s right to defend its “legitimate interests” as part of the agreement, which removed nuclear sanctions against Iran in early 2016 in exchange for certain limits to its civilian nuclear activities.

Zarif arrived in Moscow following similar negotiations in China and will later head to Brussels for talks with the EU foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, and his counterparts from the three European parties.

In the aftermath of Washington’s pullout, Europeans are seeking ways to protect the interests of their firms doing business in Iran and help them escape the brunt of the upcoming US sanctions.

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