بازدید 7663

Iran foils 'plot to bomb religious centres'

Iran's intelligence ministry says its forces have foiled bombings and suicide attacks targeting religious centres after arresting suspected members of a group linked to ISIL, according state television reported.
کد خبر: ۷۰۶۶۹۷
تاریخ انتشار: ۰۴ تير ۱۳۹۶ - ۰۹:۵۳ 25 June 2017

Iran's intelligence ministry says its forces have foiled bombings and suicide attacks targeting religious centres after arresting suspected members of a group linked to ISIL, according state television reported.

Security forces "were able to arrest a group linked to Daesh (ISIL) that intended to carry out terror operations in religious cities ... and (seized) explosive and suicide attack equipment," the state broadcaster IRIB said on Saturday.

Authorities seized three assault rifles, a machine-gun equipped with a silencer, three suicide belts, as well as explosives and bomb-making equipment, according to the report.

Also seized were night vision goggles, three phones for remote detonation and a large amount of bullets, it added.

The arrests came days after Iran's Revolutionary Guards fired missiles from western Iran at ISIL positions in eastern Syria in retaliation for two attacks in Tehran earlier this month that were claimed by the armed group.

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# انتخابات ریاست جمهوری # انتخابات # رفح # حج # قیام 15 خرداد
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