Syria carried out artillery strikes on Turkish position early this morning in Idlib

An attempt by terrorists, under the guise of Turkish troops, to launch another assault on the positions of the Syrian army turned out to be a massive loss for militants and the Turkish military, learned according information from local sources and news agency AviaPro.
کد خبر: ۹۶۳۶۰۵
۱۴ اسفند ۱۳۹۸ - ۰۹:۳۷ 04 March 2020
52099 بازدید

An attempt by terrorists, under the guise of Turkish troops, to launch another assault on the positions of the Syrian army turned out to be a massive loss for militants and the Turkish military, learned according information from local sources and news agency AviaPro.

The Syrian army inflicted about a hundred missile attacks on enemy forces, which led to enormous losses and completely frustrated plans to launch CAA-controlled areas and adjacent territories.

On the shared in Twitter video frames , you can see that the Syrian army is delivering rocket and artillery attacks on the positions of jihadists and the Turkish military, while, according to experts, only during this time no less than a hundred rockets were fired and several dozen artillery attacks were fired.

At the moment, it is not known about the losses among the terrorists, however, given the information from various sources, we can talk about the deaths of 17 Turkish soldiers and almost a hundred militants, not to mention the significant number of wounded.

Information about the death of Turkish military personnel is confirmed by the appearance of Turkish military helicopters in the area who tried to evacuate the wounded and dead, however, due to the dense fire, according to the source, the latter could not even get closer to the landing site.

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