بازدید 12708

EU adopts new measures to assist Iran in face of Washington’s hostile approach

In line with its recent efforts to save the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran despite the US withdrawal, the European Union has agreed to allocate an 18mn euro package for this purpose. Meanwhile, the United Nations has called American sanctions against Iran illegitimate.
کد خبر: ۸۲۷۶۴۳
تاریخ انتشار: ۰۱ شهريور ۱۳۹۷ - ۱۹:۵۷ 23 August 2018

Tabnak – In line with its recent efforts to save the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran despite the US withdrawal, the European Union has agreed to allocate an 18mn euro package for this purpose. Meanwhile, the United Nations has called American sanctions against Iran illegitimate.

According to a Press TV report, the European Union has agreed 18 million in development aid to Tehran as the 28-nation bloc steps up efforts to blunt the impact of returning American sanctions against Iran and keep it in the multilateral 2015 nuclear deal.

The measure was announced in a statement on Thursday by the EU's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, who once against reaffirmed Europe's commitment to joint efforts with Iran to keep the nuclear deal alive without the US.

Thursday's aid offer to Iran is part of a broader package of 50 million euros earmarked for Tehran in the EU budget. In her statement, Mogherini said, "This new package will widen economic and sectoral relations in areas that are of direct benefit to our citizens."

The new measure will see the EU allocate eight million euros to Iran's private sector, including assistance for small- and medium-sized enterprises and the country's Trade Promotion Organization. Another eight million euros is also slated to be spent on environmental projects, while a further two million euros will go to fighting harm caused by drugs.

Meanwhile, a United Nations expert has railed against the US for re-imposition of sanctions on Iran after its withdrawal from the nuclear deal, saying the “unjust” move lacks a lawful purpose.

“The re-imposition of sanctions against Iran after the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the Iran nuclear deal, which had been unanimously adopted by the Security Council with the support of the US itself, lays bare the illegitimacy of this action,” said UN Special Rapporteur Idriss Jazairy in a statement on Wednesday.

“This illegitimacy was confirmed by the opposition of all other permanent members of the Security Council and indeed of all international partners,” he added and noted such moves constituted a “wanton” attack on ordinary citizens as they lacked a lawful purpose and harmed “the human rights of ordinary citizens.”

“These unjust and harmful sanctions are destroying the economy and currency of Iran,” Jazairy stressed, warning the embargoes could risk the supply of medicines and even foodstuff as it makes it hard for Iran to provide them due to difficulties in imports and relevant payments.

US President Donald Trump said in May that it was withdrawing his country from a nuclear deal Iran signed with major world powers in 2015 in blatant breach of international regulations.

Trump also said he would reinstate US nuclear sanctions on Iran and impose "the highest level" of economic bans on the Islamic Republic.

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