بازدید 1545

Syria and Iran Held Bilateral Talks and Negotiated the Issue of Economics and Trade

Today the Syrian delegation headed by Secretary-General of the Prime Ministry Mohammad al-Ammouri arrived in Tehran to hold bilateral talks with Iranian counterparts.
کد خبر: ۷۰۲۲۴۷
تاریخ انتشار: ۲۰ خرداد ۱۳۹۶ - ۱۳:۴۷ 10 June 2017
Today the Syrian delegation headed by Secretary-General of the Prime Ministry Mohammad al-Ammouri arrived in Tehran to hold bilateral talks with Iranian counterparts.
The Iranian delegation was led by Adviser to the First Vice President of Iran, Head of the Committee for Development of Iranian-Syrian Economic Relations Saeed Ohadi.

During the talks the sides discussed the strengthening of economic growth between two countries, trade and service relations. The delegations also touched hindering the joint economic and developmental projects.

Moreover, Syria’s ambassador in Tehran Asnam Mahmoud and accompanying delegation also joined the talks. The Ambassador highly appreciated the negotiation process and called Iran as a true alley, which is also ready for the constructive dialog.
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