بازدید 5543

Iran strongly reacts to the Saudi crown prince’s latest accusations

Once considered to be taboo, Saudi Arabia, as an important Muslim country, is now publicly advocating close ties with the Israeli regime, while condemning Iran for the problems in the region. Saudi crown prince’s latest charm offensive toward Israel has faced with Iran’s reaction.
کد خبر: ۷۸۷۸۵۶
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۸ فروردين ۱۳۹۷ - ۱۴:۱۸ 07 April 2018

Tabnak – Once considered to be taboo, Saudi Arabia, as an important Muslim country, is now publicly advocating close ties with the Israeli regime, while condemning Iran for the problems in the region. Saudi crown prince’s latest charm offensive toward Israel has faced with Iran’s reaction.

In this vein, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman warned against conspiracies aimed at sowing discord in the Muslim world and creating a margin of safety for the Israeli regime.

In a statement on Friday, Bahram Qassemi blasted the fresh comments by cynical Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in an interview with the American Time magazine. In his interview, bin Salman described the Saudi regime, which has launched aggression on Yemen, and the usurper Israeli regime, as having common interests and enemies such as Iran.

“The ambitiousness of the skeptical Saudi heir to the throne has exceeded the limits and is turning into an incurable and chronic illness,” said Qassemi.

“In the power struggle going on inside the (Saudi) monarchial dynasty and in order to win the support of the US and, recently, the Israeli regime, which has occupied Quds, he not only paid billions of dollars from the wealth of his own people, but also makes whatever ridiculous and embarrassing remark he can,” the spokesman said.

“This power-and-fame-seeking novice has turned a blind eye to all historical realities and seven decades of crimes committed by the usurper and child-killing Zionist regime, and speaks of recognition of, and alignment with this illegitimate regime in a great and blatant betrayal of the cause of Palestine,” Qassemi added.

“His words show he has neither studied history, nor knows geography, nor understands the cause of its people and of freedom-seekers around the world, nor understands the oppression exerted against the Muslim community and Palestinian people, nor can differentiate between Palestine, the Arab world, and the Muslim world, nor can tell friend from foe,” the spokesman said.

In the interview with the TIME magazine published on Thursday, the first in line to the Saudi throne spoke of the prospect of Riyadh-Tel Aviv relations, describing the regime’s conflict with the Palestinians as the only obstacle to the normalization of ties with Israel.

“We have a common enemy, and it seems that we have a lot of potential areas to have economic cooperation,” the crown prince said.

Also during an interview with the Atlantic published on April 2, bin Salman recognized Israel's right to exist, stressing that Israelis are entitled to their own land.

In recent months, Saudi Arabia has been gradually softening its public posture toward Israel in what analysts describe as an attempt by Riyadh to prepare public opinion at home and elsewhere for the establishment of potential normal relations with Israel.

A dissident Saudi prince has revealed a series of “conditions” set by the US and Israel for bin Salman to secure their help in ascending to the throne at home, among them the normalization of Riyadh’s ties with the regime in Tel Aviv.

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