بازدید 55843

USA deported 205 thousand Mexicans until December 18, 2019

The United States deported from January 1 to December 18, 2019, 205 thousand 168 Mexicans, a figure higher than that of all 2018, when 203 thousand 669 were returned, said the Ministry of the Interior (Segob) ).
کد خبر: ۹۴۶۰۰۹
تاریخ انتشار: ۰۲ دی ۱۳۹۸ - ۰۹:۱۸ 23 December 2019

The United States deported from January 1 to December 18, 2019, 205 thousand 168 Mexicans, a figure higher than that of all 2018, when 203 thousand 669 were returned, said the Ministry of the Interior (Segob) ).

In a press release the entity affirms this country intensified deportations this year, while the Mexican government reinforced the containment of people on the southern border by presenting 179 thousand 335 individuals from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador to the immigration authority .

Of these, 117,689 migrants (65.6 percent) were returned to their place of origin.

As for Mexicans, the 2019 figure will be higher than the 2017 record, the first year of President Donald Trump's administration, and will be at the same level of 2016, the last period of Barack Obama, characterized by rigorous measures against Mexicans, even in against those who lived for decades in the neighboring country.

The United States has maintained in the last five years an upward trend in deportation of Mexicans, which is confirmed this year.

In turn, the Trump administration repatriated from January to November 2019 to 121 thousand 825 people from the so-called Northern Triangle of Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras), who traveled through Mexico, which means an increase of 28 thousand 525 cases, 27 percent more than in 2018.

The above is shown in estimates of the Segob Migration Policy, Registration and Identity of Persons Unit prepared based on the 2018-2019 South Border Migration Survey.

In the case of deportees from Central America, the aforementioned survey indicates that the majority of people with mobility have basic education: 45 percent in primary school, 30 in every 100 secondary school, and 19 percent in high school.

To the flow of individuals in transit through Mexico must be added 58 thousand 579 asylum seekers, also the majority of Central Americans, who since January 29 are returned to Mexico, to await response to their proceedings in US courts.

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