بازدید 17566

Iran regards Lebanon’s security as security of region

کد خبر: ۹۱۲۵۷۲
تاریخ انتشار: ۲۸ تير ۱۳۹۸ - ۲۳:۲۷ 19 July 2019

Special Assistant to the Speaker of Parliament (Majlis) of Iran Hossein Amir Abdollahian referred to establishing peace and security as Iran’s policy, adding that Iran regards Lebanon’s security as regional security.

Speaking in a meeting with Speaker of the Parliament of Lebanon Nabih Berri, Amir Abdollahian expressed congratulations for Resistance victory in 33-day war against Israel aggression.

He stressed developing all-out cooperation in parliamentary and governmental fields.

Tehran has always emphasized distancing Lebanon from regional crises.

He described the US and Israel as cause of insecurity and instability in the region, adding that the so-called Deal of Century for Palestine and the region exactly aims to disintegrate the region.

Meanwhile, Berri appreciated Iran's supports in various times in the history, saying Iran’s positions in supporting peace and stability in the region have always been praised by Lebanese people.

He added that the Resistance axis have had victories in fighting terrorism and Zionism fronts.

He also rejected US sanctions against Iran, saying imposing sanctions against nations is a destructive act.

Lebanon has always emphasized Islamic countries’ unity against enemies’ conspiracies, noting that the natural relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia and the regional cooperation have been stressed by Lebanon.


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