بازدید 39459

The Syrian army intensifies anti-terror operations with the help of Iraqi allies

While the United States is yet to introduce a clear timetable for its announced withdrawal from Syria, the Syrian army, with the help of its allies, has intensified fighting the terrorists in different parts of the country. In a latest development, Iraq’s popular mobilization units carried out anti-terror operations in Syria’s eastern regions.
کد خبر: ۸۷۱۵۵۸
تاریخ انتشار: ۳۰ دی ۱۳۹۷ - ۲۲:۲۳ 20 January 2019

Tabnak – While the United States is yet to introduce a clear timetable for its announced withdrawal from Syria, the Syrian army, with the help of its allies, has intensified fighting the terrorists in different parts of the country. In a latest development, Iraq’s popular mobilization units carried out anti-terror operations in Syria’s eastern regions.

According to the Press TV, Iraqi pro-government fighters from the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) have carried out a counter-terrorism operation in Syria’s eastern province of Dayr al-Zawr, killing and injuring dozens of terrorists from the Daesh (ISIS) terrorist group in the process.

The commander of the volunteer forces – better known by the Arabic name Hashd al-Sha’abi – in western Anbar, Qassim Mosleh, said 35 Daesh extremists were eliminated or sustained injuries as Iraqi forces pounded their positions in the village of al- Susah. Mosleh went on to say that three militant commanders, identified by the noms de guerre Abu Wadah, Abu Hamza and Abu Fatoum, were killed in the offensive.

Meanwhile, it is reported that the Syrian Army heavily pounded the terrorists' movements and positions in Badiya (desert) region, including Avirez Dam, Humeimem and along the border regions with Deir Ezzur province in Eastern Homs.

Field sources also reported that the Syrian Army destroyed several terrorists' targets, killing and wounding a large number of them. The sources also said that the Syrian Army engaged in heavy clashes with Daesh terrorists in the Northeastern part of Jabal al-Gharb in Eastern desert of Palmyra, killing and wounding a number of militants as well as destroying their military equipment.

In a relevant development on Friday, the Syrian Army in a ambush operation foiled an attempt by the Washington-backed terrorists stationed in Al-Tanf region near the border with Iraq on secure positions around Palmyra in Homs province, killing a number of them.

The Syrian Army's military units in Eastern Homs, conducted an ambush and managed to foil an attempt by a group of terrorists supported by the US who intended to penetrate into secure regions in Southern Palmyra through al-Hableh Desert from al-Tanf region.

This is while, several civilians were reportedly killed and wounded in the US-led coalition air assaults on residential areas in Eastern Dayr al-Zawr."At least 20 civilians, including women and children, were killed in the US airstrikes on a residential area in Southeastern Dayr al-Zawr," local sources were quoted as saying.

The sources noted that the US-led coalition's warplanes targeted tens of families who were fleeing the areas under ISIL's control, including al-Baqouz Foqani village and its surrounding areas, killing and injuring over 20 and injuring many more.

In this vein, the Syrian government has called on the United Nations Security Council to put an end to airstrikes being carried out by the US-led coalition purportedly fighting the Daesh terrorist group, saying the aerial assaults are targeting civilian and critical infrastructure in the Arab country.

It also called on the UN Security Council to shoulder its responsibilities as regards to the establishment of international peace and security, and put an immediate halt to its crimes against humanity that were being carried out by this “rogue” coalition against Syrian civilians and infrastructure.

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