بازدید 51704

Russian court jails 11 people over subway suicide bombing

A court in St. Petersburg, Russia's second largest city, on Tuesday convicted 11 people in relation to a deadly suicide bomb attack on the city's metro.
کد خبر: ۹۴۳۱۲۸
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۹ آذر ۱۳۹۸ - ۱۷:۵۲ 10 December 2019

A court in St. Petersburg, Russia's second largest city, on Tuesday convicted 11 people in relation to a deadly suicide bomb attack on the city's metro.

The court sentenced one man to life in prison and handed lengthy prison terms — from 19 to 28 years — to the other 10 defendants, nine men and one woman.

The explosion in a St. Petersburg subway train on April 3, 2017, killed 16 people, including the suicide bomber, and wounded more than 50.

The police arrested 20 people in connection with the attack, declaring 11 of them accomplices of the perpetrator and charging them with terrorism. The accused have maintained their innocence and claimed they were tortured in jail.

Their lawyers said they plan to appeal the ruling.

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